الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013

Math worksheet

A very small number line, with just 3 numbers and only one missing, but a great introduction for very young children to make sure that they get their numbers in order

Put the correct number in each line of three numbers, but there's no pictures to help with these short number lines.

Here we have a set of number lines with four numbers in each. Just fill the gaps so the number lines are complet  

Here we have a set of number lines with five numbers in each. Just fill the gaps so the number lines are complete. A little bit harder than before as several numbers in a row are missing on some of them.

These boys are hopelessly out of order when counting up. Can they be sorted out so that they call out the numbers in order. We start off by just ordering three small numbers up to 5.

These trains need putting in order, starting with the smallest number on the left hand side. We continue by just ordering three small numbers up to 5.

The balloons have floated away and got into the wrong order. Can the be re-organised, starting with the smallest? This set of pages is a little harder as it requires ordering four numbers rather than three. Probably the best idea is to search for the smallest number and place that on the left, then find the next smallest, and so on.

Children love counting up and down, especially down to zero. Our rocket worksheets have a starting number and the next two numbers need completing as the count down commences! There is a number line to help, once again we keep to small numbers, five and below, but the count down won't always reach zero.
Start with the number given inside the flag and, working to the left, count down and write the next number. There is a number line to help for this set of pages which keeps to small numbers up to five.

Count On With A Number Line:

Counting On In Ones :

Counting On From :

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الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013

Math worksheet

A very small number line, with just 3 numbers and only one missing, but a great introduction for very young children to make sure that they get their numbers in order

Put the correct number in each line of three numbers, but there's no pictures to help with these short number lines.

Here we have a set of number lines with four numbers in each. Just fill the gaps so the number lines are complet  

Here we have a set of number lines with five numbers in each. Just fill the gaps so the number lines are complete. A little bit harder than before as several numbers in a row are missing on some of them.

These boys are hopelessly out of order when counting up. Can they be sorted out so that they call out the numbers in order. We start off by just ordering three small numbers up to 5.

These trains need putting in order, starting with the smallest number on the left hand side. We continue by just ordering three small numbers up to 5.

The balloons have floated away and got into the wrong order. Can the be re-organised, starting with the smallest? This set of pages is a little harder as it requires ordering four numbers rather than three. Probably the best idea is to search for the smallest number and place that on the left, then find the next smallest, and so on.

Children love counting up and down, especially down to zero. Our rocket worksheets have a starting number and the next two numbers need completing as the count down commences! There is a number line to help, once again we keep to small numbers, five and below, but the count down won't always reach zero.
Start with the number given inside the flag and, working to the left, count down and write the next number. There is a number line to help for this set of pages which keeps to small numbers up to five.

Count On With A Number Line:

Counting On In Ones :

Counting On From :

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